Practice & Review Settings

All about the review settings found during flashcard & dialogue practice and/or review.
Written by Tanner
Updated 10 months ago

Practice & Review Settings

While using the card-by-card practice feature in Learn and/or review feature in Mastery you can find settings that allow you to customize your review experience.

Flashcard Style

You can choose how you'd like to test yourself on the cards in practice and review by adjusting your Flashcard or Dialogue Style:

Chinese to English (Default)

  • This option will show you Chinese characters and pinyin on the first side of the card, and reveal the English translation on the back side (We recommend this option when you're first trying to memorize and master your vocabulary.)

English to Chinese

  • This option will show you English on the first side of the card, and reveal the Chinese characters and pinyin on the back side. (We recommend this option when you're already comfortable with the Chinese meanings of your vocabulary and are looking for an extra challenge.)

Characters to Pinyin & English

  • This option will show you the Chinese characters on the first side, and reveal the pinyin & English on the back side. (We recommend this option when you're focusing on memorizing and reading Chinese characters and don't want the extra help that pinyin provides.)

Audio Auto-Play

Turning off Audio Auto-Play will disable auto-play of all audio during practice/review. Having issues with audio auto-play? Learn more about how to enable audio auto-play in your browser here.

Audio Recording Tool

Turning off Audio Recording Tool will hide the microphone recording tool found on practice/review cards.

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