Daily Goals

All about the Daily Goals feature found in the Me sidebar, including how to customize your Daily Goals via the Settings page.
Written by Tanner
Updated 10 months ago

Daily Goals

The Daily Goals section can be found in your Me sidebar: Like Study Streaks, Daily Goals do not earn you experience points (XP) and instead are just a fun way to keep yourself motivated with achievable goals.

Completing Your Daily Goals

Currently the only available Daily Goals are Complete X Lessons and Earn X Gold Medals. To complete a lesson:

  • Complete a quiz on any lesson found in the Learn section and get any score. This includes lessons any lessons you've already completed in the past, regardless of your previous score on the lesson.

To earn a gold medal:

  • Get a perfect 10/10 quiz score on any lesson found in the Learn section. This includes lesson you've already completed but haven't heartened a gold medal on yet and/or new lessons you get a perfect score on your first try.

As you complete your Daily Goals, the meter for each goal will increase to show the goal's completed status.

Like Study Streaks, a 'day' is measured using your device's current time zone

  • This means that if you travel or change locations, you'll need to now complete your daily goal before midnight of the next day at your new location.
  • This also means that if you're using a VPN the daily goal tool will apply the time zone detected via your VPN connection, not your actual location.

Customizing Your Daily Goals

To customize your Daily Goals go to your Settings via the link in the Me sidebar or the dropdown menu found at the far right of the header. Once in Settings you can change the number of lessons and/or gold medals required for each of the currently available Daily Goals:

We plan on expanding and improving the Daily Goals feature so keep an eye out for updates!

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