Study Streaks

All about the Study Streak feature found in the Me sidebar, including info on how to complete your streak and how each day is calculated.
Written by Tanner
Updated 1 year ago

Study Streaks

Your Study Streak is the number of consecutive days you've 'studied' on Yoyo Chinese. You can find both your Current Streak and your Best Streak in the Me sidebar. We have many users with Best Streaks in the hundreds - see if you can get the longest streak possible!

Completing Your Streak

To complete your streak each day, you must complete either of the following two activities:

  1. Completing a lesson by completing its quiz in the Learn section

    This can be any lesson and any quiz found in the Learn section, even lessons you have already completed and lessons you've already earned a gold medal on.
  2. Completing a 25-card flashcard review session in the Mastery section

    This can be any flashcard review session, regardless of course, level, or how many cards you master during the session.

The Study Streak tool measures a 'day' using your device's current time zone

  • This means that if you travel or change locations, you'll need to now complete your streak before midnight of the next day at your new location.
  • This also means that if you're using a VPN the study streak tool will apply the time zone detected via your VPN connection, not your actual location.

Once your streak has been completed each day, you'll see a 'Complete' icon next to your current streak tally in the Me sidebar. Currently, completing your streak or getting a really long streak doesn't earn you experience points (XP) and is instead used mainly as a way to help keep you motivated to study at least a little bit of Chinese every day and keep the lesson material and language fresh in your mind. We plan to introduce fun rewards and other features related to your Study Streak in the future so keep an eye out for updates!

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