Favorite Questions

How to use the Favorite Questions tool in Mastery.
Written by Tanner
Updated 9 months ago

On every Lesson page of Yoyo Chinese, you'll see an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) tab. In the FAQ tab you'll find some questions that have been submitted by learners like you and answered by one of the Chinese language learning experts on Team Yoyo. These questions provide helpful context, explanations and insights related to the lesson.

Each question in the FAQ tab of Lesson pages has a ❤️ button. If you find a helpful question & answer that you'd like to save for later review, you can click the ❤️ button and it will be added to your Favorite Questions page.

If you go to Mastery > Favorite Questions you'll find a new option called Favorite Questions which is a page you can use to quickly find & review questions that you've either submitted yourself or saved from a lesson. 

We hope you like this new feature and find it helpful as you study Chinese with us!

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